Rifle League
2025 Centerfire Rifle League Update: Two New Variants Added!
As we head into the fourth year of the Centerfire Rifle League, we remain committed to enhancing the experience for all participants. After listening to feedback and exploring new ways to elevate the competition, we’re excited to announce two new variants for the 2025 season. These new formats will bring fresh challenges and more variety to the league.

February 1 - Rifle League KYL
February 15 - Rifle League Walk Out
March 1 - Rifle League Original
April 5 - Rifle League KYL
May 3 - Rifle League Walk Out
May 24 - Rifle League Original
June 7 - Rifle League KYL
July 5 - Rifle League Walk Out
September 13 - Rifle League Original
October 4 - Rifle League Finale TBD
The Rules
Rifle League Original - Each shooter will have the opportunity to take 7 shots at each of the 5 distances. The shooter can engage any target they wish, a miss results in a zero for that shot. Max points possible for each distance is 35, max points for the match is 175 points. Bonus opportunity will be a random drawn plate rack distance and the shooter can chose the plate engagement for the value of that plate.
Rifle League KYL - The rules of Rifle League KYL are simple - The shooter will still have 7 rounds per distance and all target values will be the same as the original. The shooter must start on target 1 (the biggest target on the rack) and impact it to unlock to target 2. When target 2 is unlocked the shooter has the option to engage targets 1 or 2. If the shooter engages target 2 and impacts it target 3 is now unlocked. Continue this sequence through all targets. So an impact on target 1 unlocks target 2, an impact on target 2 unlocks target 3, an impact on target 3 unlocks target 4, an impact on target 4 unlocks target 5. The shooter can engage any unlocked target. However, if the shooter misses a target all points that have been collected will be erased and the shooter must re-start on target 1 if any rounds remain. Max points possible for each distance is 25, max points for the match is 125 points.
Rifle League Walk Out - Rifle League Walk Out will still be a 35 round match but 7 stages of 5 rounds. The shooter can select any of the 5 targets but must engage the selected target at every distance in the walk out - so if the shooter selects target 4 they must engage target 4 at every distance in stage 1, the shooter can change the selected target per stage. Max points possible for each distance is 25, max points for the match is 175 points.
Centerfire Rifle League Targets
400-yard Circles (12", 10", 8", 6", 4")
500-yard Squares (12", 10", 8", 6", 4")
700-yard Diamonds (14", 12", 10", 8", 6")
900-yard Circles (16", 14", 12", 10", 8")
996-yard Squares (16", 14", 12”, 10”, 8”)

Centerfire Rifle League Scoring
The point values for all variants of Rifle League are as follows - The largest plate on each rack is worth 1 point, the second largest plate is worth 2 points, the 3 largest plate is worth 3 points, the fourth largest plate is worth 4 points, the smallest plate is worth 5 points.
Season Scoring - All Rifle League matches will be percentage scoring, each match will have a winner and receive 100 percentage points. The Rifle League Series will award 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place trophies at the end of the season. A shooter competing for trophies will have to shoot in at least 1 of each variant and the finale. Your best scores of each variant will be counted and the finale will be counted twice. The season will include 3 regular season matches of each variant and the finale.
Don't miss your chance to be a part of Gunline Shooting's Rifle League. Come and test your marksmanship skills, challenge yourself, and enjoy the thrill of precision shooting like never before.